Skyler McCardle

Sunrise 09/29/04-Sunset 02/22/19

How do I explain the inexplicable?
I wish there were adequate words in any language to describe the insurmountable pain & depth of grief that we’ve experienced over the past year trying to navigate in this world without you. I wish there were adequate words to describe the immensity of how much we love you, how much we miss you & how much this day haunts us… but there aren't any words.
Today, I will describe what an amazing young girl that you are. All who know you would agree that you are beautiful, smart, wise, loving, determined, faithful, strong, helpful, diligent, funny, dutiful, kind, deep, silly, loud, feisty, joyful, organized, thoughtful & sassy. And I’m only scratching the surface. You are much more than simple adjectives can describe. You are deeply loved and missed by all who know you.
You came into this world 6 weeks early fighting for your life and you left this world way too early fighting for your life. You made such a remarkable impact on the lives that you have touched…even as you left this world you gave the gift of sight to two blind of the many gifts you’ve left to remind us all of your selflessness. Your love will always carry on through each life that you have touched and you are anywhere love is.
To honor your impactful & important life, we’ve created an outreach that’s called “Love from Sky”. Our first act of love was having a food drive for the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle (specifically for the BackPack Buddy Program). We've had an outpouring of support, generosity & love. The weather impacted our progress & we have more sorting & packing to do next week but it didn’t stop us from packing as many bags as we could. Today, we will continue your giving spirit by helping children in need. We will be donating over 200 pre-packed bags of food to go in children’s backpacks throughout our area in honor of your beautiful & unforgettable life.
Every day, with every breath I remember all the good and joy you brought into our lives. To know you is to know love.💙🦋


Backpack Buddies Program throught Inter-Faith Food Shuttle serves children in the Raleigh-Durham area who may not have access to healthy meals at all times.  The children in this program pick up a bag full of nutrious food at their school on Friday’s to have over teh weekend.